Wednesday 29 February 2012

Evaluation: Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used a wide range of new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages. This is because we aimed to create a professional set of new media texts and by using technologies that anybody can access we believe we achieved this.

When making our newspaper, newspaper adverts and poster we used Adobe Photoshop CS5. It was useful in editing images, and in constructing adverts, adjusting the layout through using the different layers. The effects offered in the software helped us created products with high standards that could be seen as professional and specialized.

One of the many effects used was a lens flare on the logo on the poster. This adds depth to the poster so it’s not just a flat picture.

When making the website and adverts for the website we used Adobe Fireworks and Dreamweaver. We used fireworks to get the layout of the website sorted and the position of all the photos and adverts within the document. We then used Dreamweaver to enter the main text from the article and by using a drop shadow, added depth and a different colour background.

Both of the above software had useful features that we used to optimize and enhance our product. A big feature was the ‘Preview in Browser’ option. Using this alongside trial and error enabled us to modify and adapt our website to become professional and have a high quality finish.

We also used very basic software such as publisher to draw designs for our newspaper and website. Publisher also allowed us to create brainstorms and graphs easily to display thoughts and results that were gathered during the research stage.

We also used an online website that you can generate surveys and ask tehe public for their opinion. We used survey money to ask the public what type of articles they would like to see in a local newspaper/website and what type of adverts attract their attention the most. This was very valuable as it gave us the public’s opinion and what they want out of a newspaper and a website.

After completing our products we uploaded pictures and a link to facebook and used it as an outlet to display our real media texts. From this we learned the opinions and thoughts about our products and how we could improve and modify them.

We used Microsoft PowerPoint to create an easy format to display data we had gathered. We then uploaded these slides to a site called slide share. The process is really simple and ages a different angle to the way we outputted the information on our blog.

Blogger has been a key part of our project as we used it to post about our progress and how events unfolded. It also helped us to explain how we did things and where our thoughts and ideas came from to develop our final products.

Finally, Google was a key tool to help us produce high quality products as we used it a lot during our researching stages. It enabled us to search and view different aspects of our project, such as existing newspapers, websites and posters.

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